Feldenkrais and Awareness

Today, our guest author is Michael Tweed-Kent, writing about the Fledenkrais method®. Just a reminder, the the 6-week Feldenkrais series begins Thursday, February 5, and the 6-week Alexander Technique series begins Monday February 10. With each series, you can sign up...

Moving Freely With the Alexander Technique

Eric here, Before we get to today’s article, I want to draw your attention to the Alexander and Feldenkrais® programs beginning this upcoming week at Solaluna. I’ve been a student of these two methods for many years. They have helped me avoid strain...

Wishing you a great 2014

Wishing You a Great 2014 by Eric Stewart I’m sitting in the studio office on a snowy day, looking back at the year that’s just gone, and forward to the one just beginning. It’s inventory time: time to take stock, reflect, and plan ahead. Parts of my...

Simple Yoga and Getting Out of the Way

by Eric Stewart The end of the year is coming up fast, which means that the Winter Intensive is also just a few weeks away. The early registration discount for the intensive is available only until Friday, December 20. The intensive offers a chance to immerse yourself...

The Depth of Breath

“Let your exhalation lengthen…” The first time I remember hearing these words in a class, I was in my early 20’s, working as a cook at the Omega Institute, a retreat center in upstate New York. That particular summer, I remember being unsure...

Take a Walk!

by Chelsea Doohan Have you smelled the air outside lately? Have you noticed that the sunsets are particularly colorful this time of year? Have you enjoyed putting on a cozy sweater and feeling the crisp, cool air on your face? These are all pleasurable experiences....

A New Opportunity to Practice

by Eric Stewart Beginning the week of September 16, Solaluna will  be offering free, early-morning practice sessions.  This is an opportunity for people to explore a personal practice in a space where others are also practicing. Sessions will take place Mondays and...