Wishing You a Great 2014

by Eric Stewart

I’m sitting in the studio office on a snowy day, looking back at the year that’s just gone, and forward to the one just beginning.

It’s inventory time: time to take stock, reflect, and plan ahead. Parts of my next few days will involve delving into the ledger (as you might imagine, an electronic one), counting and sifting through the numbers that represent the financial story of Solaluna’s year.

It could be easy to regard this as an inconvenience, as dry work that cuts in on the jucier parts of practicing and teaching yoga. Yet I find there is a quiet contentment that arises from buttoning things up and bringing the books to balance.

What’s more, the story told by these abstract numbers keeps bringing me to realizations that are less cold and analytic, more warm and deeply felt. Most of all, the story that I see in the numbers tells me about people choosing to attend, and therefore support this yoga studio.

To put it in the simplest of terms, we would not be here without you. We are grateful for your support. It is not taken for granted!

We look forward to seeing you in 2014, and will do our best to help you find yoga as a refuge and support in your life. Wherever this finds you, and wherever your path takes you, we wish you the best this year.